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Stuck, T98 MT6735 Chinese Android Tablet / dash cam
   This is my first time posting but have been using the forum as a helpful source for awhile now. However, with my current situation I need some assistance.
    Device: No name several Chinese companies offer the product as a different name and I will post a picture of the device below my written entry.
 I was able to save a dump .txt of the device but for some reason my backup didn't save. I cant seem to find an exact replacement or get past the point of trying to load a preloader using any software SP Flash (several versions), Miracle, MTK tools and many more to no avail. I cant get past BROM error but computer does recognize the device as USB MTK VCOM. I've exhausted my idea and searching tried many ways to flash in SP flash and nothing ever appears on the screen of the device.

I will post full log on a reply to this original post due to length of log.

Opened it up to get more information and also search on this info as well.

One side of Motherboard T98-V2.0 with MTK6735V ARM (more on chip please ask if need more).
A Sandisk sdinadf 4-16G CHINA (more on this chip as well please ask if need more) and other various MTK mediatek chips I think I provided the main ones but please ask if you need more.

Motherboard part # E234156 SL-m

I pulled out some of the information that I feel is most important from the log may have missed something if so the full log will be on the next post following this.

 I'm looking for help with correct ROM software / Preloader etc.. I've tried many but none seemed to work. Also correct way to flash device. I only have a power on and Hard reset buttons no volume or anything and I've tried holding one, two, battery disconnected etc, still nothing but the device is recognized im now lost. Any help would be much appreciated.

attached picture of the device again many sell this device mine is technically from "First Scene" one below is from E-ace

[ro.boot.hardware]: [mt6735]

[ro.apps.black.list]: [讯飞,下载,发射,蓝牙,高德,在线,GPS,下載,發射,藍牙,语音]

[ro.audio.input.samplerate]: [16000]

[ro.audio.silent]: [0]

[ro.baseband]: [unknown]

[ro.board.platform]: [mt6735]

[ro.boot.selinux]: [disabled]

[ro.boot.serialno]: [0123456789ABCDEF]

[ro.bootloader]: [unknown]

[ro.bootmode]: [unknown]

[ro.btstack]: [blueangel]

[ro.build.characteristics]: [tablet]

[ro.build.date.utc]: [1520222110]

[ro.build.date]: [Mon Mar  5 11:55:10 HKT 2018]

[ro.build.description]: [full_cm10-user 5.1 LMY47D 1520222031 dev-keys]

[ro.build.display.id]: [LMY47D dev-keys]

[ro.build.fingerprint]: [alps/full_cm10/cm10:5.1/LMY47D/1520222031:user/dev-keys]

[ro.build.flavor]: [full_cm10-user]

[ro.build.host]: [server08]

[ro.build.id]: [LMY47D]

[ro.build.product]: [cm10]

[ro.build.tags]: [dev-keys]

[ro.build.type]: [user]

[ro.hw.version]: [T98]

[ro.mount.fs]: [EXT4]

[ro.imei.fake]: [1]

[ro.kernel.zio]: [38,108,105,16]

[ro.device.id]: [YSTG5H9H69AAY5WG]

[ro.frp.pst]: [/dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/frp]

[ro.market.area]: [oversea]

[ro.mediatek.platform]: [MT6735]

[ro.mediatek.chip_ver]: [S01]

[ro.mediatek.project.path]: [device/eastaeon/cm10]

[ro.mediatek.version.branch]: [L1.MP3.EE.WFC.DEV]

[ro.mediatek.version.release]: [ALPS.L1.MP3.V2.95]

[ro.opengles.version]: [196608]

[ro.ota.typeid]: [PL_4G_WJ_EN]

[ro.product.board]: []

[ro.product.brand]: [alps]

[ro.product.carrecord]: [1]

[ro.product.cpu.abi]: [arm64-v8a]

[ro.product.cpu.abilist32]: [armeabi-v7a,armeabi]

[ro.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]

[ro.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi]

[ro.product.device]: [cm10]

[ro.product.fw_ver]: [1.6.51]

[ro.product.locale.language]: [en]

[ro.product.locale.region]: [US]

[ro.product.manufacturer]: [alps]

[ro.product.model]: [T98]

[ro.product.name]: [full_cm10]

[persist.radio.multisim.config]: [ss]

[persist.radio.reset_on_switch]: [true]

[persist.radio.simswitch]: [1]

[persist.selftest.remove]: [fm_channel,button,radar]

[persist.service.acm.enable]: []

[persist.service.adb.enable]: []

[persist.softap.enable]: [1]

[persist.sys.country]: [US]

[persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2]: [libart.so]

[persist.sys.first_time_boot]: [false]

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Here is the full log.

[bgw.current3gband]: [0]

[camera.disable_zsl_mode]: [1]

[curlockscreen]: [1]

[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]

[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xmx]: [512m]

[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-filter]: [interpret-only]

[dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit]: [128m]

[dalvik.vm.heapsize]: [256m]

[dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]

[dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xmx]: [64m]

[dalvik.vm.isa.arm.features]: [default]

[dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.features]: [default]

[dalvik.vm.mtk-stack-trace-file]: [/data/anr/mtk_traces.txt]

[dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file]: [/data/anr/traces.txt]

[debug.MB.running]: [0]

[debug.hwc.bq_count]: [3]

[debug.hwc.compose_level]: [0]

[debug.hwui.render_dirty_regions]: [false]

[debug.mdlogger.Running]: [0]

[debug.mdlogger.log2sd.path]: [internal_sd]

[debug.mtklog.netlog.Running]: [0]

[debug.program_binary.enable]: [1]

[drm.service.enabled]: [false]

[fmradio.driver.enable]: [0]

[init.svc.DMAgent]: [running]

[init.svc.MtkCodecService]: [running]

[init.svc.NvRAMAgent]: [running]

[init.svc.PPLAgent]: [running]

[init.svc.adbd]: [running]

[init.svc.agpsd]: [running]

[init.svc.autokd]: [running]

[init.svc.batterywarning]: [running]

[init.svc.bootanim]: [running]

[init.svc.bootlogoupdater]: [stopped]

[init.svc.btsocketserver]: [running]

[init.svc.ccci_fsd]: [running]

[init.svc.ccci_mdinit]: [running]

[init.svc.conn_launcher]: [running]

[init.svc.console]: [running]

[init.svc.debuggerd64]: [running]

[init.svc.debuggerd]: [running]

[init.svc.emdlogger1]: [running]

[init.svc.emsvr_user]: [running]

[init.svc.enableswap]: [stopped]

[init.svc.fuelgauged]: [running]

[init.svc.gsm0710muxd]: [running]

[init.svc.guiext-server]: [running]

[init.svc.healthd]: [running]

[init.svc.installd]: [running]

[init.svc.keystore]: [running]

[init.svc.lmkd]: [running]

[init.svc.logd]: [running]

[init.svc.media]: [running]

[init.svc.mnld]: [running]

[init.svc.mobile_log_d]: [running]

[init.svc.msensord]: [stopped]

[init.svc.mtkbt]: [running]

[init.svc.myLoop]: [running]

[init.svc.netd]: [running]

[init.svc.netdiag]: [running]

[init.svc.nvram_daemon]: [running]

[init.svc.permission_check]: [stopped]

[init.svc.pq]: [stopped]

[init.svc.prl_cust]: [stopped]

[init.svc.program_binary]: [running]

[init.svc.sbchk]: [running]

[init.svc.sdcard]: [running]

[init.svc.servicemanager]: [running]

[init.svc.sn]: [running]

[init.svc.surfaceflinger]: [running]

[init.svc.terservice]: [stopped]

[init.svc.thermal]: [running]

[init.svc.thermal_manager]: [stopped]

[init.svc.thermald]: [running]

[init.svc.ueventd]: [running]

[init.svc.vold]: [running]

[init.svc.wifi2agps]: [running]

[init.svc.wmtLoader]: [stopped]

[init.svc.xlogboot]: [stopped]

[init.svc.xlogdebugchanged]: [stopped]

[init.svc.zygote]: [running]

[init.svc.zygote_secondary]: [running]

[mediatek.wlan.chip]: [CONSYS_MT6735]

[mediatek.wlan.ctia]: [0]

[mediatek.wlan.module.postfix]: [_consys_mt6735]

[mtk.md1.starttime]: [0s Fri Jan  1 08:00:13 2010


[mtk.md1.status]: [ready]

[net.bt.name]: [Android]

[net.change]: [net.tcp.default_init_rwnd]

[net.tcp.default_init_rwnd]: [60]

[persist.accoff.countdown]: [6]

[persist.af.hac_on]: [0]

[persist.af.losslessbt.on]: [0]

[persist.bt.fwdump]: [0]

[persist.bt.version]: [-1426123470]

[persist.btsco.volume.ratio]: [4.5]

[persist.car.sensitive]: [200,160,130,35,15,10]

[persist.dbg.volte_avail_ovr]: [1]

[persist.disable.svc_list]: [mms,projection,dreams,vibrator,dock]

[persist.dm.lock]: [false]

[persist.dvr.front.files]: [98]

[persist.flow.calc]: []

[persist.gemini.sim_num]: [1]

[persist.last.anr.happen]: [0]

[persist.last.error.process]: [com.car.dvr-29597]

[persist.md.perm.checked]: [1]

[persist.meta.dumpdata]: [0]

[persist.mtk.wcn.combo.chipid]: [0x0321]

[persist.ota.server]: [https://api.carassist.cn/ota/devicecheck4oversea]

[persist.radio.default.sim]: [0]

[persist.radio.fd.counter]: [15]

[persist.radio.fd.off.counter]: [5]

[persist.radio.fd.off.r8.counter]: [5]

[persist.radio.fd.r8.counter]: [15]

[persist.radio.ia-apn]: []

[persist.radio.ia]: []

[persist.radio.mobile.data]: [N/A]

[persist.radio.multisim.config]: [ss]

[persist.radio.reset_on_switch]: [true]

[persist.radio.simswitch]: [1]

[persist.selftest.remove]: [fm_channel,button,radar]

[persist.service.acm.enable]: []

[persist.service.adb.enable]: []

[persist.softap.enable]: [1]

[persist.sys.country]: [US]

[persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2]: [libart.so]

[persist.sys.first_time_boot]: [false]

[persist.sys.language]: [en]

[persist.sys.mute.state]: [2]

[persist.sys.port_index]: []

[persist.sys.pq.adl.idx]: [0]

[persist.sys.pq.shp.idx]: [2]

[persist.sys.profiler_ms]: [0]

[persist.sys.sd.defaultpath]: [/storage/emulated/0]

[persist.sys.strictmode.disable]: [true]

[persist.sys.timezone]: [Asia/Shanghai]

[persist.sys.usb.config]: [mass_storage,adb]

[persist.sys.webrtc.delay]: [0]

[persist.txz.filter.aec]: [1]

[persist.usb.cam.bad]: [1]

[persist.usbcam.fps]: [15]

[persist.voiceassitant.engine]: [0]

[persist.wakeup.keywords]: [小明你好,你好小明]

[persist.wakeup.threshhold]: [0.09,0.095]

[qemu.hw.mainkeys]: [0]

[ril.current.share_modem]: [1]

[ril.external.md]: [0]

[ril.first.md]: [1]

[ril.flightmode.poweroffMD]: [1]

[ril.mux.ee.md1]: [0]

[ril.radiooff.poweroffMD]: [0]

[ril.specific.sm_cause]: [0]

[ril.telephony.mode]: [0]

[rild.libargs]: [-d /dev/ttyC0]

[rild.libpath]: [mtk-ril.so]

[rild.mark_switchuser]: [0]

[ro.adb.secure]: [1]

[ro.allow.mock.location]: [0]

[ro.apps.black.list]: [讯飞,下载,发射,蓝牙,高德,在线,GPS,下載,發射,藍牙,语音]

[ro.audio.input.samplerate]: [16000]

[ro.audio.silent]: [0]

[ro.baseband]: [unknown]

[ro.board.platform]: [mt6735]

[ro.boot.bootreason]: [usb]

[ro.boot.hardware]: [mt6735]

[ro.boot.selinux]: [disabled]

[ro.boot.serialno]: [0123456789ABCDEF]

[ro.bootloader]: [unknown]

[ro.bootmode]: [unknown]

[ro.btstack]: [blueangel]

[ro.build.characteristics]: [tablet]

[ro.build.date.utc]: [1520222110]

[ro.build.date]: [Mon Mar  5 11:55:10 HKT 2018]

[ro.build.description]: [full_cm10-user 5.1 LMY47D 1520222031 dev-keys]

[ro.build.display.id]: [LMY47D dev-keys]

[ro.build.fingerprint]: [alps/full_cm10/cm10:5.1/LMY47D/1520222031:user/dev-keys]

[ro.build.flavor]: [full_cm10-user]

[ro.build.host]: [server08]

[ro.build.id]: [LMY47D]

[ro.build.product]: [cm10]

[ro.build.tags]: [dev-keys]

[ro.build.type]: [user]

[ro.build.user]: [devteam-j]

[ro.build.version.all_codenames]: [REL]

[ro.build.version.base_os]: []

[ro.build.version.codename]: [REL]

[ro.build.version.incremental]: [1520222031]

[ro.build.version.release]: [5.1]

[ro.build.version.sdk]: [22]

[ro.build.version.security_patch]: [2016-01-01]

[ro.camera.sound.forced]: [0]

[ro.car.ad]: [1]

[ro.car.sosimg]: [0]

[ro.car.uninstall]: [1]

[ro.car_sleep_off_ext_device]: [1]

[ro.carrier]: [unknown]

[ro.cm7.bootanim.args]: [9000,-1,-1,0]

[ro.com.android.dataroaming]: [true]

[ro.com.android.dateformat]: [MM-dd-yyyy]

[ro.config.alarm_alert]: [Alarm_Classic.ogg]

[ro.config.notification_sound]: [pixiedust.ogg]

[ro.config.ringtone]: [Ring_Synth_04.ogg]

[ro.crypto.fuse_sdcard]: [true]

[ro.crypto.state]: [unencrypted]

[ro.dalvik.vm.native.bridge]: [0]

[ro.debuggable]: [0]

[ro.device.id]: [YSTG5H9H69AAY5WG]

[ro.dvrprev.btns]: [lock]

[ro.factorytest]: [0]

[ro.frp.pst]: [/dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/frp]

[ro.fullscreen.black.list]: [cn.kuwo.kwmusiccar]

[ro.gemini.smart_sim_switch]: [false]

[ro.hardware]: [mt6735]

[ro.have_aacencode_feature]: [1]

[ro.have_aee_feature]: [1]

[ro.hide.data.limit.ui]: [0]

[ro.hw.usbcam]: [1]

[ro.hw.version]: [T98]

[ro.imei.fake]: [1]

[ro.kernel.zio]: [38,108,105,16]

[ro.market.area]: [oversea]

[ro.mediatek.chip_ver]: [S01]

[ro.mediatek.gemini_support]: [false]

[ro.mediatek.platform]: [MT6735]

[ro.mediatek.project.path]: [device/eastaeon/cm10]

[ro.mediatek.version.branch]: [L1.MP3.EE.WFC.DEV]

[ro.mediatek.version.release]: [ALPS.L1.MP3.V2.95]

[ro.mediatek.version.sdk]: [4]

[ro.mediatek.wlan.p2p]: [1]

[ro.mediatek.wlan.wsc]: [1]

[ro.modem.type]: [F_TDD]

[ro.mount.fs]: [EXT4]

[ro.mtk_agps_app]: [1]

[ro.mtk_antibricking_level]: [2]

[ro.mtk_audenh_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_audio_ape_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_audio_profiles]: [1]

[ro.mtk_besloudness_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_bessurround_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_bg_power_saving_ui]: [1]

[ro.mtk_bip_scws]: [1]

[ro.mtk_bt_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_cam_lomo_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_cam_mav_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_cam_mfb_support]: [3]

[ro.mtk_cam_vfb]: [1]

[ro.mtk_cta_set]: [1]

[ro.mtk_dhcpv6c_wifi]: [1]

[ro.mtk_dialer_search_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_disable_cap_switch]: [1]

[ro.mtk_eap_sim_aka]: [1]

[ro.mtk_emmc_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_enable_md1]: [1]

[ro.mtk_fd_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_flight_mode_power_off_md]: [1]

[ro.mtk_flv_playback_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_gps_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_ims_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_live_photo_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_lossless_bt_audio]: [1]

[ro.mtk_lte_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_md_sbp_custom_value]: [1]

[ro.mtk_mobile_management]: [1]

[ro.mtk_motion_track_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_perf_response_time]: [1]

[ro.mtk_perf_simple_start_win]: [1]

[ro.mtk_perfservice_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_phone_number_geo]: [1]

[ro.mtk_pq_support]: [2]

[ro.mtk_search_db_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_send_rr_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_shared_sdcard]: [1]

[ro.mtk_sim_hot_swap]: [1]

[ro.mtk_slow_motion_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_tetheringipv6_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_thumbnail_play_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_volte_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_wapi_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_wappush_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_wlan_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_wmv_playback_support]: [1]

[ro.mtk_world_phone]: [1]

[ro.mtk_world_phone_policy]: [0]

[ro.mtprof.disable]: [1]

[ro.navigationbar.on.left]: [0]

[ro.opengles.version]: [196608]

[ro.ota.typeid]: [PL_4G_WJ_EN]

[ro.product.board]: []

[ro.product.brand]: [alps]

[ro.product.carrecord]: [1]

[ro.product.cpu.abi]: [arm64-v8a]

[ro.product.cpu.abilist32]: [armeabi-v7a,armeabi]

[ro.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]

[ro.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi]

[ro.product.device]: [cm10]

[ro.product.fw_ver]: [1.6.51]

[ro.product.locale.language]: [en]

[ro.product.locale.region]: [US]

[ro.product.manufacturer]: [alps]

[ro.product.model]: [T98]

[ro.product.name]: [full_cm10]

[ro.radar.type]: [2]

[ro.revision]: [0]

[ro.secure]: [1]

[ro.serialno]: [YSTG5H9H69AAY5WG]

[ro.settings.remove]: [accounts,accessibility,hdmi,print,flashlight]

[ro.sf.hwrotation]: [90]

[ro.sf.lcd_density]: [160]

[ro.sim_me_lock_mode]: [0]

[ro.sim_refresh_reset_by_modem]: [1]

[ro.sys.usb.bicr]: [yes]

[ro.sys.usb.charging.only]: [yes]

[ro.sys.usb.mtp.whql.enable]: [0]

[ro.sys.usb.storage.type]: [mtp,mass_storage]

[ro.telephony.sim.count]: [2]

[ro.voicewakeup.more]: [1]

[ro.wake.lock.black.list]: [cn.kuwo.kwmusiccar]

[ro.wifi.channels]: []

[ro.zygote.preload.enable]: [0]

[ro.zygote]: [zygote64_32]

[selinux.reload_policy]: [1]

[service.adb.tcp.port]: [5555]

[service.bootanim.exit]: [0]

[service.nvram_init]: [Ready]

[service.wcn.driver.ready]: [yes]

[sys.audio.headphone.gain]: [7]

[sys.boot.reason]: [0]

[sys.bt.sw.volume]: [2.7]

[sys.car.score_aios]: [120,100,80]

[sys.car.score_txz]: [37,40,48]

[sys.cpu.info]: [367:342:3:1300000:1]

[sys.default.map]: [com.autonavi.amapautolite]

[sys.ipo.pwrdncap]: [2]

[sys.mic.default.volume]: [192]

[sys.recog.default.volume]: [196]

[sys.rightch.attenuation]: [3]

[sys.sip.default.volume]: [160]

[sys.usb.config]: [mass_storage,adb]

[sys.usb.state]: [mass_storage,adb]

[sys.usb.vid]: [0E8D]

[sys.video.record.path]: [/storage/sdcard1]

[vold.path.external_sd]: [/storage/sdcard1]

[vold.path.internal_sd]: [/storage/sdcard0]

[vold.post_fs_data_done]: [1]

[vold.swap.state]: [0]

[wfd.dummy.enable]: [1]

[wifi.direct.interface]: [p2p0]

[wifi.interface]: [wlan0]

[wifi.tethering.interface]: [ap0]

Custom firmware for this device

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