
Full Version: MIZ Z2 bricked try everything what i read (think so)
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Sorry for the title but its real Sad i bricked a MIZ Z2 and tried all i read. So i think i'm doing something wrong. But reaaly im almost like thisCryingCryingCryingCrying beacuse i always use samsung's and this, new to me, is going to kill me.

Unfurtunately, and because i was confident, didn't make any backup Sad

I bricked the phone while trying to switch to this ROM (wich i think is a stock): MIZ_mt89_v9_c05_pulid_jb2_20130402-044849.rar

so now the phone is all dead, no screen or nothing at all, but it connects to the PC. When I try to flash any of the stock ROM's i found around, FlasTools give me a red bar and and error of DRAM.

Please, any "newbie" or guide will be my salvation.

thanks a lot!
There is more than one Miz Z version. Are you sure it was for the Z2?

Are you able to boot into recovery?
Are you using the latest version of SP Flash?
Are you running SP Flash as administrator?
Are you running SP Flash on Windows 7?
try to use SP flash tool version 3.1312, or 3.1316(the latest version)

download the cable flash rom for yr phone model, try to flash again,

for the "enable Dram fail (4032) ", it is usual. that means either your flash tool version is not compatible, or the file "preloader.bin" in your rom (which u downloaded) is not matching
Try flashing a stock rom for it I had a lot of problems flashing my Star N9500 S4 and got a DRAM Error 4032. When I flashed a particular stock rom the MTK USB driver became my VCOM usb driver and the flash tool completed to green circle. If you can see MTK USB driver in flashtool then you can recover.