
Full Version: Unbrick Redmi Note 3 Pro - Hard Brick - Led Red Problem
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Thi is the only way to put the phone on EDL when you hard brick Redmi Note 3 Pro

1- Disassebly the phone

[Image: 101746hkj885d5qwqltvq5.jpg.thumb.jpg]

2 - Disconnect all the cables and flat cables

3 - Take the motherboard and find the pins
[Image: 101750k6z4t41164tzmr64.jpg.thumb.jpg]

4 - Reconnect only : Battery Display and USB
[Image: 102638g5hvuvscwsisschi.jpg.thumb.jpg]

5 - Plug In the phone on USB PC, open Mi Flash and prepare the ROM

6 - Connect the pins like this
[Image: 101752vzmgwt180180rne0.jpg.thumb.jpg]

7 - Old connection of pins , when you see the phone on Mi Flash push Flash

Great job. It's hard to tell which pins need to be connected though. Is it possible to edit the pic again and show exactly which ones?