
Full Version: Some help with GPS please
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(2013-11-27, 22:38)Gizbeat Wrote: [ -> ]You can forget about them paying for shipping. Sorry for the bad news, but there it is. The best you can hope for is for them to accept it back and get it repaired.

I know - just being unrealistically optimistic. I did have one chinese supplier refund me after lengthy communications trying to resolve a product problem - without asking for it back too.

If push comes to shove, I could sell the phone 'without' gps as a feature. Wink
(2013-11-27, 22:08)pewe Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013-11-27, 21:39)Gizbeat Wrote: [ -> ]The first phone sounds fine. The second one isn't fine though. If you've tried the tutorial and deleted mtkgps.dat and you still can't get a fix, it may be a hardware issue. Some issue with the antenna most likely. Have you contacted the seller and told them about the issue?

Thanks Giz.

I have also come to the conclusion it may be a hardware issue.

I'm sure the GPS is working but just has weak reception because outside 'GPS Data' reports one satellite fix, and it is the same as one of the 11 satellites found by 'GPS Data' on the other phone in the same place - if the numbers mean anything.

I did contact the vendor - but they have said they will look at the phone if I return at my expense - and the cost of shipping is over half what I paid for the phone - so I'd like to have a go at 'extending' the antenna to try and increase the signal to see if that helps (it has worked for some folks) but not sure how to go about that.

first, try to replace the gps.conf file with the one i had uploaded.

if it is still not working
then do a little bit of antenna modification, u don't have to remove any screw, just remove the battery cover as usual.

just cut a 4 to 5 " long x 8 to 10 mm width aluminium foil with one end a little bit narrow so that u can slip tru the small hole ( look at it carefully, i am sure there is a small narrow line hole), just a little bit will do, then tape it with a tape to make it stay firm, of course the aluminium foil has to be sticking out the phone.

then try again the gps test,
(2013-11-27, 22:53)stevenma61 Wrote: [ -> ]first, try to replace the gps.conf file with the one i had uploaded.

if it is still not working
then do a little bit of antenna modification, u don't have to remove any screw, just remove the battery cover as usual.

just cut a 4 to 5 " long x 8 to 10 mm width aluminium foil with one end a little bit narrow so that u can slip tru the small hole ( look at it carefully, i am sure there is a small narrow line hole), just a little bit will do, then tape it with a tape to make it stay firm, of course the aluminium foil has to be sticking out the phone.

then try again the gps test,

Steven -

I tried both of the above - I installed your conf, then took the back off the phone and modified the antenna - ALAS with no joy.Sad
(2013-11-29, 08:09)pewe Wrote: [ -> ]Steven -

I tried both of the above - I installed your conf, then took the back off the phone and modified the antenna - ALAS with no joy.Sad

i had 3 phones with me

S7589 - no prblems at all, i can pick up the GPS very easy n stable even in the house.

Inew6000- it is so hard to pick up the GPS signal even outside my house, i have to pull out the modified antenna, once i pull out the antenna, i can see it pick up the satellite straight away if i were outside the house. Inside the house, it may take a bit longer, about 20-40 sec. Now i am quite confident to say that i can lock the satellite with my inew at anytime, any place without the net connection.

Zopo ZP990 - it is ok to pick up the signal in the house, but difficult to lock the satellite, but once i go out the house, then it start to lock the satellite in a better than average time.

i had been trying to for the best solution for these china phone to lock the satellite for quite a while.

i had tried with my friend's smasung phone, their phone can lock the satellite so fast.

Ya, i had a viewconic viewpad 7( i bought it 2 years ago), i was using it to navigate my way while i had 3 phone in hand that can't do much help to me. the trip was less than 1 weel ago. I knew that the 3 phone cannot be trusted, that was why i brought my old viewpad 7 with me.

after that incident, then i really look into what is the main problem with all the china phone GPS.

Usually i don't use net connection while i was on GPS/navigation, that is why i really need GPS that is really working without the help from net.
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