
Full Version: [split] Pinphone 3 destroyed by customs
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pinphone 3 what? destroyed by customs?
what? when? why?
i took the liberty to move this to OT, since it has nothing to do with the THL T11 pictures....

so to the story -
must have been 2009 when i wanted to try a "smartphone" and at that time the Pinphone 3GS was said to be the best option for "cheap"
so i went ahead and ordered one (i do still know where but wont mention the dealer - i'd have to bash them so hard it wouldn't even be funny - sufficient to say it was none of our sponsors)
but before ordering i made sure to ask the seller if the phone would NOT come with the Apple logo.
for one thing i didn't want the Apple logo as i don't like Apple and for the other that i knew it would pose a problem if customs would open the package....
so the seller clearly stated there was no apple logo, and i ordered.
a few weeks later (china airmail... sigh) i received a letter from my local customs office (somewhere in Austria as i was then living in Austria) that i have to come there to sign a "statement of acceptance" for them so they can send my phone off for destruction as it violates a few laws. i had no clue what was going on so i went there.
they informed me that they have brought this matter to Apples attention and Apple insisted on the phone being destroyed.
i wanted to know why ,as the phone merely resembled the iPhone 3GS but it was clearly noticable that it was in fact not such phone.
then the customs officer turned the phone around and TADA - a big fat copied Apple Logo.
i didn't say a word anymore and just signed the papers.
that is the story of how i ordered and never received my PinPhone 3GS - my would have been 1st Chinese phone.
to make matters worse i also never received my money back because to state it clearly - Paypal made a mistake and i was left in the rain.
@gesamgr - here Big Grin