
Full Version: Modifying the THL W8 battery
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(2014-06-07, 03:23)tywin Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-06-06, 20:55)ppsc44 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-05-27, 05:20)ahabec Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, sorry for late reply.
I needed a few days to test it.
I use 3g only when wifi is unavailable, but wifi is on all the time (i.e. even if it isn't connected to a network).

These 2 screenshots show my usage. It's been said before that every person uses the phone differently but quite objectively, it's obvious the ThL battery is stronger and quite subjectively, without getting into measurements, it doesn't feel 9% stronger but really more like 20%. I just think the 1830 mAh statement on the iNew battery is not truthful.

In my Opinion, the THL W8 battery is a big improvement.

I had my Inew V3 with stock battery switched on at 8.00 in the morning, battery at 100% - all day it was on with wifi and bluetooth activated, some video, some telcalls, some surfing, a lot of emails and at 20.00 the stock battery was at 49 %.

The other day I did the same with the THL battery, started at 8.00 with 100% battery load and the same wifi/bluetooth running and nearly the same use of the phone, and at 20.00 it was at 69 % battery, still no loading all day neither in the car nor via usb.

I'm pretty sure that with the night in flightmode the iNew will make it for 2 complete days now without charging in between. I would estimate the THL W8 battery being around 25 - 30 % stronger (in my user profile as described) than the stock one.

Take one - but be careful with grinding too much...Crying Angry

Have you tried this modification? Do you notice any temperature increase?

No, it doesn't run any warmer.
As you can see my thl battery doesnt fully charge. Do you charge on the phone or on external charger??
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