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Putting bedbugs to bed forever

A team of scientists has found a way to conquer the global bedbug epidemic. By lending their own arms for thousands of bed bug bites, they have finally found the solution -- a set of chemical attractants, or pheromones, that lure the bedbugs into traps, and keep them there.

Fascinating read. Have rarely had to deal with bedbugs, but on a few occasions found them in cheap hotels I'd stayed in. Good to get rid of them forever.

Next target to develop traps for - Dogs and roosters.
True, those little pests can get annoying on vacations.

Dogs and roosters? :| I have a feeling I know what your problem is there. Try some earplugs and leave them alone. Vampire
All dogs that bark and roosters that crow should be eliminated :|
Ehh. Are there other kinds of dogs and roosters? Doh
It sounds like a tantrum to me. :|