
Full Version: Camera&flash not working after flashing rom on i5s mtk6582
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Hello, i'm new to this forum and i really hope someone can help me with my problem. I have a i5s mtk6582 phone and due to the fact i deleted a essential app from the phone i had to flash the rom in order to get the phone started, so i did.
What i didn't do was make a backup, stupid as that was. After i flashed the rom after many trial and error with finding the right flashing tool, scatterfile etc. i was able to install a new working rom on my phone. Everything works fine on it exept for the back camera and flashlight. When i enter the camera app there is or a few seconds a black screen and after it goes to the selfie, which works. When i install some camera apps, some apps say the camera is busy by another program or is not available, that sort of errors. I tried very much to solve this problem, but i did not succeed so far. I also tried with SPMDT ,but my working rom doesn't have the uboot.rar in which the scatter is to install the camdrivers .I really have no clue what i can do...O_o I hope there is someone that know what i can do.
Hi Hiendjack !

Can I know where you got the rom that you've flashed ?

And add the screenshot with SP Flash Tool BROM ERROR too ... Ruud ;-)
Hi Cleopatra,

Sure you can. I got it from here
2nd one -> i5s A182MW MT6582 - Update V2.3
full name is A182MW_BS_324_V1.5_P1MB4_20140520_CN_ML

I didn't get any error flashing this rom. I also could also flash some other roms but none of them are with working back cam/flashlight
hi, hiendjack. welcome to chinaphonearena.

Quote:but my working rom doesn't have the uboot.rar
others have this part of the ROM as lk.bin instead to uboot. do you have that?

and just curious, did the back camera work before the flash?
(2015-04-10, 10:59)Trenzalore Wrote: [ -> ]hi, hiendjack. welcome to chinaphonearena.

Quote:but my working rom doesn't have the uboot.rar
others have this part of the ROM as lk.bin instead to uboot. do you have that?

and just curious, did the back camera work before the flash?

Hello Trenzalore,

Thanks for your reply.
Yes, i have the lk.bin part and also tried to replace other lk.bin files (from other rom's) on the working rom. With some i managed to flash with the replaced lk but also has resulting in no working back cam/flash.
In order to your question, yes they worked fine before the flash .
The reason I flashed the phone in the first place was because i deleted a system app (by accident) that was essential to start up the home screen. It was stupid ofcourse from me not to back it up. I hoped there was some kind of app that could tell me all about the hardware in the phone, like what kind of camera is used.
Hi Ruud !

I apologize for the delay in getting back to you ... but I went to bed :-)
Have you already tried a simple Factory Reset ?
Hi, no problem for late reply. I went to bed aswell Smiling
And yes, i tried like everything i know there is to try.
Since i have another phone like this, that i bought last june, i checked specs
with CPU Z and everything was the same exept for the kernel version.
But no matter what i try the camera does not work and i have no clue what to do, exept for trying to get the exact same version of this phone for the seller and copy the rom...
I have seen on needrom different roms for your device ... have you tried every rom from here ?

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(2015-04-10, 16:46)Cleopatra Wrote: [Only registered and activated users can see links Click here to register]

I haven't tried every rom, not the 6572 ones that is.
You think i should try that? It could be that it is a fake 6582
I have a question for you : before you've written that you tried like everything you know there is to try ... but about the Factory Reset ... What was the result of this ?

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